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Generation and Energy Storage Integration and Interconnection

Our team of experts can support renewable energy, battery energy storage, and synchronous generation projects throughout the lifecycle of a facility. Whether working through the interconnection process; meeting grid codes, local transmission service provider requirements, or market rules; handling operational challenges; or assuring compliance with NERC requirements, we serve as technical experts and trusted partners to de-risk facilities and ensure operational excellence. We have experience working closely with stakeholders across all major electricity market areas and can support across a spectrum of topics in this area including:


Reach out to discuss how we can partner to solve your biggest challenges. Our team of experts, and industry leaders are here to help.

  • Plant model development including steady-state powerflow, positive-sequence RMS dynamics, electromagnetic transient (EMT), and short-circuit

  • Plant model verification and validation including developing attestations, gathering plant documentation, ensuring model quality, meeting model quality requirements and checks, verifying as-built protection and control settings, etc.

  • Model benchmarking across simulation platforms and different model types

  • Working with strategic partners to conduct on-site model validation (i.e., staged testing) or using operational disturbance data to ensure model quality

  • Forensic analysis of abnormal performance events at inverter based resources

  • Meeting the evolving NERC and FERC regulatory requirements and obligations regarding IBR planning, modeling, studies, and operations.

  • Supporting project developers through the interconnections process, providing regulatory support and guidance through the project Scoping, feasibility, system impact, and facility study stages

  • Reviewing network upgrade studies and providing engineering  support on data requests

  • Coordinating with inverter and plant-level controller manufacturers to ensure coordination and alignment throughout the interconnection process

  • Supporting dynamic disturbance recording development, configuration, and data collection

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