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Image by NASA

Research and Development

Our team has been at the leading edge of emerging grid reliability issues and emerging technologies and has led large stakeholder groups across the industry to tackle these challenges together. We have extensive experience working with research organizations, national laboratories, standards bodies, and academia. Our team is focused on unlocking innovative technologies, tools, approaches, and regulations that lead to a more affordable, reliable, and resilient clean energy future.


Reach out to discuss how we can partner to solve your biggest challenges. Our team of experts, and industry leaders are here to help.

  • Coordinate with National Laboratories on research and development project supporting the Department of Energy and other governmental offices


  • Partner with international research and development organizations


  • Research activities with universities and other academic institutions


  • Industry liaison roles with research partners to drive early stage R&D to higher technology readiness levels


  • Conduct research on emerging and grid-supportive technologies (e.g., grid-forming inverters)

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